Transactional e-mails:
This web shop was created with Lightspeed software, a third party that handles the e-mail traffic originating from our website and the sending of any newsletters. All confirmation e-mails you receive from our website and web forms are sent via Lightspeed's servers. Lightspeed will never use your name and e-mail address for own purposes. At the bottom of each email sent automatically via our website, you will see the 'unsubscribe' link. If you click this link, you will no longer receive e-mails from our website. This can seriously reduce the functionality of our website! Your personal data are stored securely by Lightpseed. Lightspeed uses cookies and other Internet technologies that provide insight into whether e-mails are opened and read. Lightspeed reserves the right to use your data to further improve its services and, as part of this, to share information with third parties.
We use Revinate Marketing, a third party to send newsletters. All confirmation emails you receive from our website and web forms are sent through Lightspeed and Revinate Marketing servers. These systems will never use your name and e-mail address for their own purposes. At the bottom of every email sent automatically via our website you will see the 'unsubscribe' link. If you click on this link you will no longer receive e-mail from our website. This can seriously reduce the functionality of our website! Your personal data are stored securely by Lightspeed and Revinate Marketing. Lightspeed and Revinate Marketing use cookies and other Internet technologies that provide insight into whether emails are opened and read.
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